G2 Nation,
Just checking in to have a news post on these beautiful yoyos to look back on in a few years.
First the Unearthed Arbiters – We talked about this color way with the Banshee SS. It is just incredible for anyone that likes classy stuff. I mean look at it, the brown and black just goes so well. Don’t wear brown shoes with a black belt, but you can do brown yoyo with black rims.

Now onto the Kraken Respawn. This might be the best Artist Edition to date. I put one in my case and kept one for an EDC. Ryan Johnson did the art for these and absolutely crushed it. I had to go all out with the photos to match how good the art was.

Both of these are going to be available in the G2 Store at 7pm eastern 1/29/21
Hope you all have great weekend,