G2 Nation,
The Miami Sunset SS – the best iridescent rims we have ever seen on a yoyo. Plus the blood orange body really made this combo one of our best and brightest. Drop is 2/19/21 at 8pm in the G2 Store, and on Patreon. The Patreon version will be a lottery for the backers on the site. Patreon.com/g2jake take a look, you might like the perks or want an epic mail day once a month. The last way to get one of these is the silent auction. Email gsquaredyoyos@gmail.com your highest bid, the winner will pay the second highest bid plus shipping for one. Some times they go for retail, sometimes they go for a mark up, just depends who missed the drop that time and how much one wants it. Hope you all have a great weekend. See ya on the YouTube Monday.