G2 Nation,
If you have been around G2 for a while you know I like to do an AL7 version of many of our yoyos. I usually start with a 6061 body and move to an AL7 version. The Valhalla is a bit different. It was designed with an 7068 body to start.
The Valhalla has been a huge fan favorite since it was released. Topping the favorites list of many players. That still doesn’t stop me from wanting to experiment with the other body type. I have a small batch of 6061 body Valhalla in the SS and Brass variants. I have only prepped and tested the SS version so far. There is a noticeable difference in the play, but not in the hand. In the hand you might be hard pressed to feel the .6 gram difference. On the string a different story. It’s a good bit faster, how much faster? Well I’m not the fastest player in the world but this has more left in the tank after I push it as far as I can. Hopefully Damian can push it a little harder when I get one sent over his way. It carries the momentum through tricks differently as well with the increased rim weight percentage.

For this release we have a pretty unique color. It’s not quite rose gold, not quite tan or copper either. The closest descriptor I can find is rose champagne. Super clean and accents the SS rims really well.
After assembly and testing we have 20 that passed QC. Available in the G2 store Friday 3/11/22 at 8pm eastern.
Have a great rest of your day, and hope you get to pop some champagne!