Good Morning G2 Nation,
Yes, the covenant is set to retire this year. As you know we always do one final run, and this berry storm is the AL6 version. We have one coming in as an AL7 version while the other raws are mostly being used by the custom orders on patreon.
Berry Strom is a color we developed recently and is just amazing to put it short.

The covenant has been our powerful mono staple for the last few years. Unsurpassed stability and seemingly endless spin time. You can learn a bit more about it here –
I am not sure how, but it seems we find a way to save the best color way for last.
Friday 5/13/22 at 8pm eastern they will be available in the G2 store. This morning I will be running the early bird lotto over at patreon. A special perk for being a member there, they got the chance to snag one before the drop at a discounted price.
See you tonight for the drop, hope you have a great Friday!