G2 Nation,
If you’re on patreon you know why ive been absent the last month or so. If not it doesn’t matter you’re in for a treat tonight.
Tonight Friday 9.29.23 at 10 pm eastern, I have two new public releases. The Tsunami and the Elite 23.
The Tsunami – This is the big brother to the aftershock and quake. Great shape. Great stability and momentum. Best over 60mm yoyo ive played. Machined in the USA. QC was an issue the the quantity is limited. 62.35mm x 46.69mm (nice) 68.2 grams.

Pacific Rage Tsunami
The Elite 23 – The Elite series has always showcased what you can do with SS rims vs a monometal yoyo. It has crazy RPMs and super speed. The SS rims allow this yoyo to perform and be under 60 grams. My favorite Elite. But I mean if im updating it, it should be. 55.9mm x 43mm and 59.65 grams of magical agility. The weapon X feature a yellow base and blue SS rims. The yoyo is nice but the white box makes is too bright on my PC. Phone users should look better.

Weapon X Elite 23
Lastly we have the AL7 Banshee 22. This was redesigned for the 7068. I thinned out the mid wall and increased the rim size. This yoyo is has a more power and momentum that the 6061 OG version. The nebula colorway speaks for itself. The ano is out of this world. It’s a treat to have this artist working on G2.

Nebula AL7 Banshee 22
Thank you all for your patience recently, hope you enjoy the drop and the new yoyos. Some of the best stuff we have dropped all year. Make sure to sign up for the newsletter on the homepage if you have not.